All posts by Genhi

Meat, Meat, Glorious Meat…

Encouragement to keep the meat coming, from local sources.

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By the way, we are working on our waiting list for pork that will be ready in December…

Our New Milk Cow!

Bessie is our new milk cow! She’s a four year old pure bred jersey… raised as a family milk cow, she loves all of us, particularly the kids! Bessie is very gentle and sweet, and thinks that she’s a watch cow. We are so blessed to have found such a great cow!

Brooke is Bessie’s primary caretaker… once Bessie has calved she plans to make cheese, butter, yogurt and all those lovely things. Yummm!


Veterinary Medicine and Vaccines

This is the last part 4-part series, where Dr. Becker continues her interview with Dr. Ronald Shultz.

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Rabies Vaccines – How Does It Work?

This is part 3 of a 4-part series, where Dr. Becker continues her interview with Dr. Ronald Shultz. You can hear the doctors discuss the rabies vaccine. How does it work, and how should you use it.

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Vaccines – When And How Often?

This is part 2 of a 4-part series, where Dr. Becker continues her interview with Dr. Ronald Shultz. You can hear the doctors discuss what vaccines every pet needs and how long vaccines provide protection from disease. (Hint: it’s much longer than we have all been led to believe.)

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Pet Vaccinations – How Often Should You Have This Done?

Watch part 1 of a 4-part series… Dr. Becker talks with Dr. Ronald Shultz, an expert in the field of animal vaccination. Listen as they discuss the history of dog and cat vaccines, and the real reason behind why your puppy or kitten gets so many vaccines in their first year.

I imagine this is applicable to other animals as well.

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Double Yolkers!

What fun when the boys came hollering in with a gigantic brown egg! I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a big double yolk egg!

Here it is with a regular sized eggs:

Grandpa used to tell us that only “dumb” chickens laid double yolk eggs, and that when our chickens finally got smart they would stop doing that… but we have always loved seeing the huge eggs!

Flowering Plums & Lilac Bushes


It always fascinates me to look at the generations that have come before me… I have been blessed with an inheritance of so much spiritual richness from my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents.

I cherish all reminders of this, and that is why I particularly enjoy our flowering plum. It is a baby from one of my Great-Grandpa Lee’s favorite trees. The start was a bit of a straggler for years, a wimpy 10 inch little thing; but it held on, and three years ago it took off. It has been a year since Grandpa Lee passed away, so you can imagine how beautiful it is that this spring it is blooming!

Another reminder is in the form of a row of lilac bushes all down our driveway. These lilacs are starts from my Great-Grandma Eleanor’s bushes, some dark purple, and some white. They are just now blooming, and I have brought in 5 bouquets of them!

I hope that some day our lilacs will be as big and magnificent as Grandma’s!

Pigs for Sale Update – 5/15/11

A reminder – we still have a few pigs left for sale.











For more information, go here: